

Fall is here! Tomorrow is October. I absolutely love this month!


1.  Boots. I want these.

2. Dirty Martini's with Bluecheese-stuffed Olives. I am not usually a martini-drinking kind of girl. I'm usually just fine with my Malbec red wine (Becker Vineyards is my favorite.) But, once I tried this amazing drink, I fell in love. 

 3. Giuliana and Bill. Does anyone else watch their show? They are such a lovable couple! I love their quirkiness and look forward to their show each week :) The show is every Monday night. This is definitely my guilty reality tv show, but I can't help it! I settle down on my couch each Monday with my glass of wine and Giuliana & Bill on the tv.

 4. Want to know my favorite wedding gift we received?? This is it.... Breville Keurig Coffee Maker from Williams-Sonoma. It gives me that one cup of coffee in the morning that I need to start my day! I press the button and ta - da!

5. TRUST. This week I have been learning a lot about trust. It's amazing how we forget that God has the perfect plan for our future. Too often we rely on ourselves and not Him. Once I started trusting in God and remembering that He is in control AT ALL TIMES and has the best plan for my life, I started noticing I was more relaxed, friendlier to those around me, and just happier in general. Meredith Andrews sings an amazing song called "You're Not Alone." I've loved this song for years! This week it kept playing over and over in my head and it was as if God was telling me.... "Don't worry about your future... I've got a plan and have never left your side." I love this - What a wonderful God!

The chorus says, "You're not alone, for I am here. Let me wipe away your every fear. My love, I've never left your side, I have seen you through the darkest night. And I'm the one who's loved you all your life." Here's the video. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! Have a blessed weekend! XOXO


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